With that said, I need to give away another massage! AND, to apologize for missing a few giveaways, I am going to give away an hour massage this time. Also, this will not be a random number drawing. I want people to take some time, and answer thoughtfully. Make me laugh, make me cry, do whatever you have to do to win this weeks giveaway! Here is the question:
"What are you thankful for and why?"
Leave your post/comment. I will read them, and pick a winner Saturday morning. Usually I pick on Friday, but since it is Tuesday, I figured I'd go a little longer. Share this post with anyone in your life that has something to be grateful for, and may just need a massage too! Remember, I come to you! It's a pretty good deal... ;-) .
Thanks for sharing, and good luck!
I have a lot to be thankful for in my life. First of all, I know it sounds boring, but I am thankful for my husband and kids. My husband is the best! He works for his regular job 40 hours a week, is also in the Utah National Guard (which has its own commitments)and yet he still comes home at night, watches the kids four days a week so that I can go to school from 6-8:30. In addition to watching the kids, he also makes dinner half the time and washes the dishes. He does this all without a single complaint and lets me go out with the girls too! As well as all this, when money got tight last month and I contemplated getting a job in addition to raising our kids and being a full-time college student (for two different schools), Brian REFUSED to let me work even part time, and wanted to get a third job to cover the differences that we needed (of course, I did not let HIM do this!) The second part of what I am thankful for is my children. Even when we are at odds, they are still so sweet and kind. They let Mommy study when I need to, and will just go play together (most of the time at least!) All in all, I am one lucky woman to have a terrific family surrounding me!
ReplyDeleteHope everyone can post now! I was unaware that it was set to the "pick a profile" setting, without "anonymous" as an option!
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for my kids. My life would be so dull without them! I'm grateful for those quiet moments that I get to spend with each of them alone and just enjoy what precious creatures they are!
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who watches over me and despite my fumblings and idiocy is still there for me anytime, anywhere.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for the blessing of the Temple. I love the knowledge that my family will be forever. What a comfort!!!!! I look forward to the day when I will be sealed to an amazing man in one of the beautiful Temples of the Lord!
ReplyDeleteI am not deserving of a massage over this but wanted to post what I am thankful for. I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who has never given up on me and I hope that he has felt my trust the whole way. After 7 years I was given my first child. A beautiful fun little boy. To my surprise I got pregnant just after he turned one. I was scared and went to the temple. I felt I would not keep the baby but all would be well. It was sad but I knew the Lord loved me and all would be well. This last year was exhausting. Pretty close to a year after I lost the last one I became pregnant again. I thanked the Lord and one night cried to Mark that I thought I would lose the baby because I could handle it. The feeling was slightly depressing and I finally turned to a friend who had lost 6 before her second child. I found new strength and the minute I decide to not worry about losing the baby I became very sick! At 6 weeks I had a big scare. Lots of cramping and a little bloody discharge. I didn't lose any blood with the last one. What would we do without prayer, and Doctors for that matter!!! I am happy to announce that I am 10 weeks now and heard the heartbeat this Monday, saw the beautiful little thing moving and whether I get to keep this one or not I feel blessed that the Lord loves me and that I have a great husband and little boy who love me.
ReplyDeleteBeyond the typical gospel, husband, family, house, job etc....I know it sounds silly but I'm very thankful for my more challenging students. They remind me to be more Christlike...even if I'm not so good at it yet!
ReplyDeleteI'm thankful for life, love and laughter. I found the man I thought that didn't exist, I can do the job I absolutely am in love with and I am thankful for meeting all those great people in my life. Life is wonderful and lovable.
ReplyDeleteI'm grateful for family who truly loves me--for an amazing husband, and two beautiful boys. Our life is full of stress right now, from so many different sources--financial, family (my husband's side), health, and more and more. But with the Holidays coming and everything I have to look at what I DO have and feel so grateful. I may not have my own home right now, or feel very good, and yes, I'm scared for what the future holds. But I have a husband who loves and supports me. I have two wonderful children that we had to fight tooth and nail to get here on earth with our family. I am very blessed.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for a good massage when my back and shoulders and neck are killing me. Actually I am very very very thankful.
ReplyDeleteI am so thankful that god trusts me with 2 special little lives I am so thankful for all of our friends and influences we have here in eagle mt. also I am very thankful for my mom raising a down syndrome child at 17 all by herself and the doctors and everyone told her to give her up so that she didn't have to deal with that but she didn't and my sister is such a wonderful special soul she has to go through surgery after surgery I cry all the time cause I can only imagine how that is I feel terrible for her. and my mother has a ton of medical issues. so I am so greatful for the health and love and acceptance in my life. I am very thankful for my home it was extremely hard work we built it along with a bunch of other people. I could go on and on but I am thankful for the breath of air and the beautiful children that god entrusted to me I love them so much. having my kids is the only time that I can assist god in a miracle. Stacie Pittman
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for the sweet hugs, kisses and "I lub you mommy" from my little boy. I am thankful for a kind hearted daughter that does her best in all she does and loves everyone. I am thankful for a husband that loves and takes care of us all. There are so many things to be thankful for, but those are my favorite blessings!
ReplyDeleteI am extremely grateful for the challenges that have been placed before me. These challenges remind me to turn to my Father in Heaven and my brother and Savior, Jesus Christ, and rely on Their strength and love to overcome all obstacles. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. Obstacles placed in my path can and do create tension and stress, but are lessened with the knowledge that I am never alone, that I have One who will never forsake me and will carry me when I am too faint or weak to go forward on my own. I am grateful for friends who have been placed in my life at specific times to be instruments in the hands of God to bring me through trials and help me see the true Light of Christ through their love and support. I am grateful for the trust my Father has placed in me, along with my wonderful husband, to give six of His choice spirit children mortal bodies. I am not sure why He has placed this trust in me with such wonderful spirits, but He has, and my life has been filled with joy (as well as sorrow--but the joy far outweighs the sorrow) and happiness. This joy continues to expand as I now watch these choice spirits that have become adults start their own families and bring other choice spirits to this earth for whom their Father has entrusted to their care. What an amazing plan He has for us. Last, but not least, I am grateful for an amazing husband that has given me almost 33 years of his life. Heavenly Father's plan has made it possible for us to be together forever--what an amazing gift.
There is so much to be Thankful and Grateful for this year. I guess this year it's a back to basics. I'm grateful my husband has work, I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to help my children learn and grow. I'm thankful for the roof over our head and the warm in our home. I"m thankful for our little family, and for our extended family (no matter how frustrating they get sometimes). I'm thankful for the gospel and the peace it brings to everyone who it touched by it. I'm thankful for Temples, and for all they stand for. I'm thankful for dinners around the table together, splashing at bath time, and for the sweet little voices that say "I love you Mom". I thankful to be alive and live when and where I do. I'm thankful for this time of year, when we remember what we are Grateful for.
ReplyDeleteI have gone back and forth this week about what to share that I am thankful for. I finally decided that overall I am thankful for my trials. At first they seem so daunting and I never know how I will survive, but each and every trial I have had has given me the opportunity to become closer to another and turn the trial around to become a service instead of a burden.
ReplyDeleteExample 1: Fertility. I am passionate about fertility because I struggle getting pregnant. When I was faced with this trial before my first pregnancy, I cried a lot. I couldn't go to baby showers. I felt jealous and frustrated with pregnant women who always had an easy time getting pregnant & sometimes didn't want the pregnancy. I always remembered the words shared in a testimony from my first Relief Society President years before who also struggled with fertility and adopted 2 babies before she had a surprise pregnancy of her own. She said something to the affect that her own struggles would allow her to help another someday. I have always remembered that and when I hear of another struggling with fertility, I am drawn to them. I have cried with women I just met. I have made friendships by sharing the feelings that are so tender and understood by only so many.
Example 2: Miscarriage. I experienced a miscarriage this year that was really difficult for me because I was 12 weeks along and felt instantly bonded with the baby growing inside me. After spending an evening in the hospital for a D&C, I felt so empty. I knew something was missing from my body and I missed it. The next day I decided to blog about my feelings so I wouldn't forget. One comment in particular really touched my heart. She said, "I just miscarried today, and though I wasn't as far along as you, it gave me great healing to read this. Thank you for sharing, for showing me I'm not alone, and for making me feel ok about grieving the loss of a child I barely knew."
Example 3: Just doing it. I have a friend who was faced with a trial and when constantly asked how she does what she does, she replies, "You just do it." And to me that makes sense. None of us are going to give up. We take a big breath and just do it because there is no other option. Any of us can get through any trial by just doing it. What also gets me through my trials is knowing there is someone else out there going through the same thing. I am not alone. None of us are. And to me that is a comfort which makes me thankful for my trials.